Bird 264 – Secretary Bird (II)

On the plains of African there lives an eagle. But this is no ordinary eagle. This is the most glamourous eagle you have ever seen. They’ve got orange eyeshadow, a funky hair do, a set of legs that don’t know how to quit, and the longest most lushest eyelashes that have ever been batted. That’s right,Continue reading “Bird 264 – Secretary Bird (II)”

Bird 127 – Secretary Bird

After last week’s Bearded Vulture, it seemed like a good time to feature another misfit from the Raptor family. Please check your socks are firmly affixed, for they are about to be knocked off by this week’s bird, the Secretary Bird (Sagittarius Serpentarius). Most famed for being the answer to what would happen if you crossedContinue reading “Bird 127 – Secretary Bird”

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