Bird 05 – California Quail

So this is the final Bird of the Week for 2017, which means it is time to crown the Bird of the Year. And I mean really, has there been any other bird that has touched our lives more in 2017 than the California Quail? It always had to be this way. You knew it.Continue reading “Bird 05 – California Quail”

Bird 04 – Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise

Monday morning, and time again for that sweet, sweet bird hit with the penultimate Bird of the Week for 2017. And this week it’s a Bird-of-Paradise, but which one, there are so many that we could do one a week for about a year. Well there can be only one, and I reckon Wilson’s Bird-of-ParadiseContinue reading “Bird 04 – Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise”

Bird 03 – Greater Frigatebird

Monday morning and Bird of the Week has come home to roost in your inbox. We had a request to feature North Korea’s national bird today, but I am pretty changeable and decided the nation that really needed highlighting was Kiribati, obviously. And what golden bird would that be, dear subscriber/hostage to my whims? I’mContinue reading “Bird 03 – Greater Frigatebird”

Bird 02 – Chinstrap Penguin

It’s Monday so that means it’s time for another installation of Bird of the Week. That’s right, I have reminders in my calendar, it’s a thing now. Today, it’s my favourite penguin, the emperor of penguins, the king of penguins if you will. It’s the Chinstrap Penguin. No one knows why they’re called Chinstrap Penguins,Continue reading “Bird 02 – Chinstrap Penguin”

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