Bird 15 – Eclectus Parrot

We’ve got something special this week. What am I saying? We have something special every week. Today we’re looking at this bird: But we’re also looking at this bird: Two birds in one week? Oh no, not so. For they are in fact the same bird. This week is the Eclectus Parrot. The Eclectus ParrotContinue reading “Bird 15 – Eclectus Parrot”

Bird 14 – Ba Bird

Today’s bird is coming to you with something a little different. You’ve heard of mermaids, centaurs and sphinxes. Where is the crazy half human, half bird hybrid, I hear you ask? Well good news. This week’s bird is the Ba Bird. A hawk with the head of a human. They’re part of Ancient Egyptian mythology.Continue reading “Bird 14 – Ba Bird”

Bird 13 – Resplendent Quetzal

The time has come to take special note of another bird that features on a nation’s flag. The delightfully named Resplendent Quetzal. The Quetzal is extra special because of its potential to get a high word score in scrabble. It’s a rather gaudy bird, with its big black eyes and green pompom head. They hangContinue reading “Bird 13 – Resplendent Quetzal”

Bird 12 – Great Grey Shrike

Today it’s a bird that I have long considered to be my spirit animal: The Great Grey Shrike. As you can see, he’s a bit of a cutey. A song bird, they’re found in northern latitudes across Europe and Asia. Now, despite their adorable appearance the old GGS is a bit of a killer. TheyContinue reading “Bird 12 – Great Grey Shrike”

Bird 11 – Australian Magpie

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the nest: BAM, surprise after hours Bird of the Week comes home to roost. This week we’re addressing an important issues. Magpie identification. They’re trickster birds, you know. Is that a rock? Probably; but it could be a Magpie. How can you tell forContinue reading “Bird 11 – Australian Magpie”

Bird 10 – Atlantic Puffin

Monday comes around again, and today it’s all about the Puffin, the Atlantic Puffin. They’re renowned for their fishing skills: And flower arrangement: Actually, they really enjoy flowers. Like, really into them. I’m not saying it’s weird or anything. Super normal interest in flowers. And you know what, I think that’s fab. 29/01/2018

Bird 09 – Bee Hummingbird

Good news everyone. Bird of the Week and Daily Fun Fact* are working together to bring you something special. I am proud to announce that this week is: HUMMINGBIRD WEEK! These tiny critters are some of the most amazing birds with two wings getting about. They’ve taken a lot of extreme evolutionary steps to getContinue reading “Bird 09 – Bee Hummingbird”

Bird 08 – Superb Lyrebird

This week we’ve got an Australia favourite, the Superb Lyrebird. I’d say a week would rarely go by where this little fella doesn’t cross your radar. Mostly because they feature on the ten cent coin. I mean people still use money right, that’s still a thing, yeah…? The Lyrebird was so named because of theirContinue reading “Bird 08 – Superb Lyrebird”

Bird 07 – Indian Peafowl

Today we’re looking at a favourite of the 19th Century dandy who has more money than they know what to do with: it’s the Peafowl (the term peacock specifically refers to the male). If your country estate doesn’t have half a dozen of these walking the grounds then I don’t know what frivolous things you’re spendingContinue reading “Bird 07 – Indian Peafowl”

Bird 06 – Rock Dove

Welcome to 2018; the birds are back. The birds are always back. But what zany bird is up this week? Why, it’s the humble Rock Dove, but you may know it as the Common Pigeon or the Sky Rat. They original came from India, the Middle East and North Africa, but they’re soooooooooooo adaptable theyContinue reading “Bird 06 – Rock Dove”

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