Bird 25 – Farfetch’d

This is one I know a lot of people have been waiting for. Bird of the Week today presents our Pokémon edition. Because I know you all want to be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is your quest, to train them is your cause.   Birds abound in theContinue reading “Bird 25 – Farfetch’d”

Bird 23 – Andean Cock-of-the-rock

It was only ever a matter of time until we got to a bird with the most ridiculous name of all. This week, Bird of the Week is proud to present, The Cock-of-the-rock. Bam! Bird of the South American Cloud forests. They are arrogant, oh man don’t even get me started. Check out the plumageContinue reading “Bird 23 – Andean Cock-of-the-rock”

Bird 22 – Oilbird

Here we go, once again Bird of the Week has homed its way into your inbox. Today we’re talking about Oilbirds. And I’m not talking about birds that get caught in oil spills (although maybe we should). I’m talking about these guys: Oilbirds. Check its cute little whiskers. They’re a South American bird, so calledContinue reading “Bird 22 – Oilbird”

Bird 21 – Welcome Swallow

Bird of the Week is back in your inbox, bringing twigs and leaves and generally making a mess. Today it’s the fighter jet of the bird word: the Swallow. There are many species of swallow throughout the world, and you can more or less find them everywhere. They are both super cute, and super agile.Continue reading “Bird 21 – Welcome Swallow”

Bird 19 – Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Today’s bird of the week is a little different. Technically it’s a Cockatoo. But not just any Cockatoo, it’s the cockatoo featured in the painting, An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump (1768), by Joseph Wright of Derby. The painting portrays an old experiment where a bird was placed in a vacuum flask, from which theContinue reading “Bird 19 – Sulphur-crested Cockatoo”

Bird 18 – Kakapo

Let’s keep the theme of strangely flightless Pacific Island birds going this week with the New Zealand Kakapo. Look at him doing the camouflage there! First up, the name ‘kakapo’ translates from the Maori as night parrot. But don’t confuse them with the Australian Night Parrot (even though they look rather similar)*. These little guysContinue reading “Bird 18 – Kakapo”

Bird 16 – Bare-faced Go-away-bird

No Bird of the Week on Monday, or Tuesday and now here we are at 4:30pm Wednesday. Did you think there would be a week without birds, no you fools, there is never a week without birds. This will just be a quick one though to draw your attention to the fact that I cameContinue reading “Bird 16 – Bare-faced Go-away-bird”

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