Bird 356 – King Penguin

Today we’ve got something a little different: the King Penguin.  Now the King Penguin is like a mini Emperor Penguin … if you can call a bird that stands a metre tall mini. They look remarkably similar to the Emperor Penguin, but they’re about 25% shorter in stature, hence the lower regal title. The realContinue reading “Bird 356 – King Penguin”

Bat 354 – New Zealand Long-Tailed Bat

Today I’m going to tell you about one of the greatest controversies that ever struck the bird world. Each year, New Zealand runs a competition to crown their ‘Bird of the Year’. Such luminaries as the Kiwi, Kea and Kakapo have all previously walked away with the win. But in 2021 a bat, a dirtyContinue reading “Bat 354 – New Zealand Long-Tailed Bat”

Bird 352 – Eurasian Collared Dove

Today we’re going to meet a bird that has spread over the face of the earth like a novel virus hitching a ride on the world’s airlines: the Eurasian Collared Dove. But whereas a virus is rather unpleasant, the Collared Dove is a charming bird. It’s a pigeon to start off with, and we allContinue reading “Bird 352 – Eurasian Collared Dove”

Bird 351 – Eleonora’s Falcon

This week we have maybe one of the most devilish birds getting around, Eleonora’s Falcon. As a quick fun fact, the bird is named after a ruler in Sardinia from the middle ages, Eleonora of Arborea, who was the first person to pass laws protecting Hawk and Falcon nests, so that’s cool. And at first blush,Continue reading “Bird 351 – Eleonora’s Falcon”

Bird 350 – Pink-Eared Duck

Today we meet an unusual Australian duck: the Pink-Eared Duck. They’re named after a tiny patch of pink feathers found behind their eyes. But while this may be their namesake it is probably their least distinguishing feature. When it comes to plumage the most recognisable trait is their strong black and white banding, leading someContinue reading “Bird 350 – Pink-Eared Duck”

Bird 349 – Magnificent Frigatebird

This week we meet the bird that wanted to be a frog, the Magnificent Frigatebird. And I know reading that name you can’t decide if it also wanted to be a sailor in the Queen’s Navy, or if it’s the thing you say when you just don’t care anymore. It’s a bird of many shades,Continue reading “Bird 349 – Magnificent Frigatebird”

Bird 347 – Keel-Billed Motmot

Today we meet a curious little bird from South America, the Keel-billed Motmot. Now, you may have never heard of the Motmots, and that’s tragic, because this family of colourful birds could brighten anyone’s day. But what is a Motmot? They’re kinda like a Hummingbird if it decided to be carnivorous. They are pint-sized, butContinue reading “Bird 347 – Keel-Billed Motmot”

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