Bird 216 – Stygian Owl

If you want to set a haunting scene, nothing does the trick like the mournful, solitary hoot of an owl emanating from an all-consuming darkness. As we continue our tour of spooky birds, not only do we have an owl, but we have the creepiest owl getting around, the Stygian Owl (Asio stygius).

Stygian is a fun little word that refers to the River Styx from Greek mythology, the watery boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Naturally, these Owls were the companion of Charon, helping to ferry souls across the river to the underworld. Or … the word could just refer to their dark plumage, but hey, who’s keeping track?

Personally, I like to think they have a connection to the underworld. With ear tuffs that look like devil horns, and golden eyes that have a habit of flashing bright red during sunsets, the Stygian Owl certainly has a demonic bearing. 

The Stygian Owl. under sunlight their eyes look blood red but in fact they  are yellow: interestingasfuck
I’d like to take your soul on a little boat ride.

The South American peoples certainly agree. Their name for this bird is Coruja-Diabo: the Devil’s Owl. And honestly, even when their pupils are fully dilated, they look like demons anyway, so take your pick.

Real chat: are these guys guardians of the underworld? Like … probably not. But do you want to take that chance? I think the best course of action is to just assume that all birds are magical and show them the respect they deserve. 


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