Bird 04 – Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise

Monday morning, and time again for that sweet, sweet bird hit with the penultimate Bird of the Week for 2017.

And this week it’s a Bird-of-Paradise, but which one, there are so many that we could do one a week for about a year. Well there can be only one, and I reckon Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise is where it’s at. Check out this little guy:

One of the smallest Birds-of-Paradise, they’re super elusive, and have a touch of the OCD when it comes to keeping a tidy shop. They were only caught on film for the first time in 1996 when David Attenborough scattered leaves on the forest floor and tricked them into coming down to clean them up. They also have a fun moustache for a tail.  And they have a throat fan, for reasons that are too obvious and numerous to point out. And check out the colour of those feet.

There are some 40 odd Birds-of-Paradise, but who can say if we’ll check out another one. Maybe one day … maybe one day.

Special thanks to Brad this week for point out that the Guardian has named the Magpie as the winner of their bird of the year. They have that killer instinct so you can’t not but love them.

Stay tuned for next week, as we announce the Bird of the Week, Bird of the Year for 2017.


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