Bird 03 – Greater Frigatebird

Monday morning and Bird of the Week has come home to roost in your inbox.

We had a request to feature North Korea’s national bird today, but I am pretty changeable and decided the nation that really needed highlighting was Kiribati, obviously.

And what golden bird would that be, dear subscriber/hostage to my whims? I’m glad you asked. It’s the Greater Frigatebird*, which, if I may say so, is pretty fancy.

Except, as you can see, normally it isn’t golden. Let down…

It’s a bit of a sea-going bird. But it’s also the frog of birds, as it has a fun penchant of inflating that red thingy on its throat.

Males inflate these throat sacks to impress the ladies, because nothing says sexy like a giant red bag of air under your chin. Am I right?

Woowee what a guy. So yeah … that’s a thing that exists in the world.

Until next time, this has been the Bird of the Week.


*Yes, there is a Lesser Frigatebird.

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